Sunday, July 1, 2007


Well, tonight I went to Faith City Church in Manukau. It was quite a service, they have a nice band with a very gifted drummer. I enjoyed the service and the prayer/worship was pretty good. However I didnt really feel a sense of connection, like I was 'giving' during prayer but not 'receiving'. No euphoria, no real visions or anything to do with God speaking to me. It made me feel a bit discouraged. Everyone else around me was swimming in the Holy Spirit, laughing, going under, whailing, crying all the rest - but not me. I have been feeling this of late, like I havnt turned on a switch or something... I almost feel a little foolish while praying - I know I shouldnt... But I do, almost like I want to scream: C'mon God, hit me with your Holy Spirit, do SOMETHING... Please?? So you can imagine me feeling a little 'meh' afterward.

Then I mingled with some of the people afterward, getting to know some of the people there and making a couple of contacts - so I can go along to some life groups and see if I can make some friends etc. Then out of the blue a lady came up to me with one of the leaders. She was a visitor too but God had asked her to speak to me; and she told me not to give up, that God has great plans for me and even though I am feeling discouraged, I should not give up - keep on trying. Wow.
The prayed for me then and there and it was awesome.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Hey Tristy,
Long time no see but I spose you've been busy Church shopping! It's so easy to get discouraged when going from Church to Church and it's awesome to hear that God chose to use a random to speak with you!

I have heaps to say but am constrained by time as the home internets not working (hence my lack of recent postings) and I'm at church at the mo so I'll just leave you with this thought.

When I first attended Eastside I hated the church. I felt uncomfortable and out of place, no-one ever spoke to me and it was way too loud! But I kept coming firstly because of the people and secondly becuase I found places t o get involved and serve, I found a way to connect with God that wasn't about me. So I suggest it might also be an idea to think about your strengths and the ways you want to get involved in the church and serve and also look at churches that need help in those areas. Yes you need to be able to connect and feel like you can receive but you also need to be able to give out and share. A church that won't allow you to do that and develop in your strengths is not one that is ultimately going to remain 'home'.

Blessings and God Speed